Stay tuned for updates on the COP29 Singapore Pavilion in Azerbaijan, 11 - 22 November 2024.

Green Initiatives

Green Economy

Vibrant Centre for Developing New Sustainability Solutions

Singapore is positioned as a "living laboratory" to evaluate, pilot and commercialise innovative solutions.

To facilitate this, the Singapore government has awarded multiple grants to support research, development and demonstration projects on low-carbon energy technologies. For instance, it launched a S$6 million grant for organisations to test-bed and accelerate new clean energy innovations such as renewable energy, energy storage systems and low-carbon solutions on Jurong Island, the heart of Singapore's Energy and Chemicals sector.

Another example is the Low-Carbon Energy Research Funding Initiative, where S$55 million was awarded for 12 projects under the first phase to improve the technical and economic viability of implementing low-carbon technologies such as hydrogen and carbon capture, utilisation and storage. A further S$129 million was set aside for the second phase to deep dive into these areas.

Low-carbon Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier and a commonly used industrial feedstock. It also has the potential to diversify our fuel mix. If produced from renewable energy sources, it has the potential to decarbonise power generation and emissions-heavy sectors.

Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) has the potential to reduce emissions by capturing and converting carbon dioxide (CO2) from the emissions of power plants and industrial facilities into useful products such as building materials, reclamation sand, and synthetic fuels and chemicals. Captured CO2 can also be stored in natural sub-surface underground geological formations. This prevents CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere.

Find out more here.