Singapore Pavilion At COP28: Showcasing Robust Ecosystem For Accelerating Collective Climate Action
12 Dec 2023
Singapore and Costa Rica sign Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on carbon credits to accelerate climate action
11 Dec 2023
Singapore signs first Implementation Agreement with Papua New Guinea to collaborate on carbon credits under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
08 Dec 2023
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach unveil Partnership Strategy on green and digital shipping corridor
07 Dec 2023
NextGEN Connect-GreenVoyage2050 Project points to critical role of regional energy hubs in supporting NextGEN Connect-GreenVoyage2050 Project points to critical role of regional energy hubs in supporting maritime decarbonisation
Pacific International Lines and DP World Sign MOU to Jointly Develop Green Solutions for Global Supply Chains
06 Dec 2023
Singapore, LA and Long Beach unveil partnership strategy on green and digital shipping corridor
Surbana Jurong and Invest Sarawak sign partnership to deepen energy transition, transformation & decarbonisation initiatives in Sarawak State
05 Dec 2023
COP28: ACEN, The Rockefeller Foundation and Monetary Authority of Singapore partner
ADB, GEAPP and MAS to Establish Energy Transition Acceleration Finance Partnership in Asia
NGFS publishes a document on Scaling up Blended Finance in EMDEs
04 Dec 2023
MAS Launches Coalition and Announces Pilots to Develop Transition Credits for the Early Retirement of Asia’s Coal Plants
Three climate blended finance solutions awarded at COP28 to address climate action
03 Dec 2023
MAS Launches World’s First Multi-Sector Transition Taxonomy
Speech by Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean at COP28 Singapore Pavilion Green and Transition Finance Day
"Getting Transition Finance Right" - Speech by Mr Ravi Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore, at the COP28 Singapore Pavilion Finance Day on 3 December 2023
Singapore and Fiji sign Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on carbon credits to accelerate climate action
New Climate Philanthropy Report Presents the Opportunity for Philanthropic-Public-Private Partnerships to Tackle Climate and Nature Challenges Across Asia
From Carbon to Biodiversity: Innovators Share their Vision for More Credible Nature Financing
02 Dec 2023
Sylvera & Singapore: Empowering Nations Towards Climate Action and Expanding into APAC
NUS announces new efforts to tackle health threats posed by climate change
01 Dec 2023
Singapore reaffirms its commitment to collective climate action through Singapore Pavilion at COP28
30 Nov 2023
LeapFrog, Temasek, EIB join forces to deliver $500m pledge for green solutions
"Singapore - Catalysing Climate Solutions" - Speech by Mr Ravi Menon
NUS launches new $1 million scenario-modelling facility to support regional nature-based carbon projects
SUTD professor designs 3D-printed ‘trees’ for S’pore pavilion at COP28
19 Dec 2023
COP28 deal may not please every party but a big leap for global collective action, says Singapore minister
14 Dec 2023
COP28 deal 'meaningful package' even if it does not please every party, says Grace Fu
Climate deal to cut emissions can help S’pore save on adaptation costs: Grace Fu
Daily Cuts - COP28 - Singapore Pavilion Wrap
COP28达成协议符合我国需求 有助把投资导向气候行动
傅海燕:摆脱化石燃料不一定是各国满意结果 但是采取集体行动重要一步
13 Dec 2023
COP28承诺将摆脱化石燃料 傅海燕:各国采取集体行动重要一步
气候变化大会新加坡展馆闭幕 两周吸引逾6000人次
日本同亚细安各国携手 加强对区域各行各业温室气体排放测量
Singapore will not claim from climate loss and damage fund despite facing rising sea levels: Grace Fu
S'pore signs 1st ever carbon credits agreement with Papua New Guinea at COP28 Dubai
Singapore wraps up 12 days of climate programmes and green deal-making as COP28 nears finish line | Video
我国同哥斯达黎加 正式开启碳信用方面合作
我国将助小岛国克服技术困难 加快申索损失和损害基金
傅海燕:我国须确保能源转型过程有序合理 顾及民众生计
COP28: Winston Chow, the ‘boy from Bedok’ leading global climate research by leveraging his Singapore upbringing
Mixed-use coastal protection infrastructure may attract private finance: S’pore panellist at COP28
S’pore won’t claim from climate fund, but will help others access it: Grace Fu
Singapore inks MOU with Costa Rica on carbon credits collaboration
我国设立损失和损害基金 帮助脆弱国家应对气候变化
Singapore won’t claim from climate loss & damage fund; will help other countries access money from it: Grace Fu
S’pura tidak akan tuntut dari dana kerugian, kerosakan perubahan iklim: Grace Fu
SG, Costa Rica to collaborate on carbon credits
Singapore says it will not claim from breakthrough Loss and Damage Fund | Video
Singapore won't claim from climate fund despite investing heavily in coastal protection measures: Grace Fu
Singapore can decarbonise urban farming by looking to renewable energy, innovation: Experts | Video
10 Dec 2023
SG, Belanda perbaharui kerjasama dalam pengurusan sumber air
Nature’s key role in climate action in the spotlight at COP28
Quick-fire questions at COP28 with Grace Fu
How does S’pore broker a deal at the COP28 conference? Hear from Minister Grace Fu
Singapore Signs First Implementation Agreement With Papua New Guinea To Collaborate On Carbon Credits Under Article 6 Of The Paris Agreement
S’pura perantara jujur, konsisten di sidang puncak iklim: Grace Fu
Singapore, Papua New Guinea ink deal for carbon credits collaboration
Singapore, PNG ink pact on carbon credits cooperation
09 Dec 2023
宜居城市中心同丹麦建筑工程咨询公司合作 计划设立城市实验室
宜居城市中心与丹麦业者合作 探索城市规划融入再生设计
COP28: Singapore spotlights how cities can better guard against extreme weather, rising seas | Video
Singapore signs milestone agreement with Papua New Guinea to offset Carbon Tax Liability
SG, Papua New Guinea meterai perjanjian kerjasama dalam kredit karbon
Singapore inks first carbon credit agreement with Papua New Guinea
首份绿色公共服务报告下周公布 衡量环境可持续任务进展
我国与巴新签首个执行协定 正式开启国际碳信用合作
Singapore scores first carbon credit transfer deal at COP28
Singapore signs agreement with Papua New Guinea to cooperate on carbon credits
Southeast Asian nations’ pavilions at COP28 showcase inspiring climate action experiences
金管局COP28系列举措 推动亚洲能源转型
本地公司将可购巴布亚新几内亚碳信用 抵消部分碳税
Promoting Sustainable Practices: The Singapore, Papua New Guinea Carbon Credits Agreement at COP28
Singapore signs carbon credits deal with Papua New Guinea
报告:偏远港口能源转型难 设区域枢纽有助获取低碳燃料
Singapore, Los Angeles, and Long Beach ports unveil partnership strategy at COP28
COP28: Philanthropy-public-private partnership needed to plug $3 trillion climate funding gap
Energy Transition, Transformation & Decarbonisation in Sarawak
Paraguay and Singapore conclude negotiations for Carbon Credit cooperation
Pacific International Lines and DP World sign MOU to Jointly Develop Green Solutions for Global Supply Chains
Singapore Negotiates Carbon Credits Deals With Several Countries At COP28
S’pore will consider cost of carbon, global developments before changing carbon tax rate: SM Teo
Mind Your Business: Why is the youth voice important in climate governance?
Premier discusses economic cooperation, collaboration with Singapore’s Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean
Price carbon at US$100 now and many transition financing mechanisms won’t be needed: Singapore central bank chief
Asean gathers pace to grow a regional carbon market even as UN talks run into speed bumps
海事局与洛杉矶港长滩港 合设绿色数码船运走廊助速脱碳
COP28: Teo Chee Hean underlines Singapore's focus on energy transition, climate finance
Finance, carbon credits key to early coal phase-out in Asia: MAS chief
PIL, DP World pen green solutions deal
Knowledge, tech more consequential than funding for developing countries in climate action: SM Teo
Carbon data company Sylvera bets on APAC, partners with the Singapore government and opens regional hub
Surbana Jurong, Invest Sarawak Ink MOU to Pursue Net Zero Future
张志贤:我国调整碳税前 会考虑碳成本与国际趋势
Abang Johari: RM11.4 billion worth of investments in manufacturing sector approved this year
Grid tenaga ASEAN akan sediakan lebih banyak bekalan tenaga rendah karbon, kata Teo Chee Hean
S’pura buat pertimbangan teliti sebelum tukar kadar cukai karbon: SM Teo
Global Consortium Backs Early Coal Retirement With Carbon Credits
'Some' of BlackRock's 'most sophisticated' clients prefer 'transition' assets over those that are already green
MAS partners ADB to set up US$2 billion blended-finance fund
MAS’ Ravi Menon: Central banks and supervisors step up climate action
Two Philippine coal plants selected for early phase-out under Singapore central bank’s test of new ‘transition credits’
Singapore’s carbon tax should be higher than planned to speed up action: MAS’ Menon
Cop: Singapore partners Fiji, Rwanda on carbon credits
MAS launches transition credits coalition to hasten coal phase-out
Singapore Finalises Sustainable Finance Taxonomy
Climate philanthropy report highlights role of PPPPs in addressing the funding gap in safeguarding and restoring climate and nature in Asia
Singapore Launches US$5 Billion FAST-P Initiative for Climate Action in Asia
Rockefeller Foundation at COP28 backs early coal retirement using carbon credits
S’pore and Paraguay close to signing agreement allowing bilateral carbon credit trade
Fiji-Singapore MOU to facilitate greenhouse gas emissions reduction activities
Singapore rushes to ink carbon credit deals at COP28
MAS forms global coalition to develop transition carbon credits for coal-plant closures
Singapore reaffirms commitment to collective climate action through Singapore Pavilion at COP28
Aturan baru ditetap kurangkan risiko dakwaan palsu inisiatif hijau
ACP, IFC, MAS, and Temasek Unite for Green Investments in SE Asia
Cop: Singapore sets financing rules to cut greenwashing
加速应对全球暖化 孟文能:我国碳税需调得更高
我国和不丹完成 碳信用合作实施协议谈判工作
New climate philanthropy report presents opportunity for philanthropic-public-private partnerships to tackle climate, nature challenges across Asia
Singapore’s MAS Sets Framework to Improve Transition Financing
COP28: New MAS guidelines for banks to finance transition activities to drive greater climate action
金管局推出全球首个 跨领域可持续经济分类目录
我国推出两计划促进亚洲绿色转型 包括混合融资及可持续金融分类法
COP28: SG sahkan komitmen kepada tindakan iklim domestik, kerjasama sejagat
COP28: SG, Fiji meterai MOU bagi pemindahan kredit karbon
Singapore signs MOU with Fiji to collaborate on carbon credits
Singapore announces Asia-focused blended finance initiative Fast-P with US$5 bil target fund size
MAS launches Singapore-Asia Taxonomy, world's first to include 'transition' category
More climate philanthropies considering Cambodia, Philippines expansion
Dried mangoes help S’pore negotiators sweeten deal at COP28 meetings
我国同斐济签署合作备忘录 制定可促进碳信用国际转让的双边框架
MAS finalises taxonomy on sustainable and transition financing
MAS, Temasek ink MOU to address region’s sustainable infrastructure financing gap
Singapore makes headway in carbon credit deal with Rwanda
我国和卢旺达签署新协定 深化在碳市场合作
COP28: Singapore reaffirms commitment to domestic climate action, global collaboration
Singapore looks forward to implementing program to support developing countries in response to climate change
S’pore aims to channel $6.6b towards greening region, fostering partnerships: SM Teo at COP28
Singapore will buy credible carbon credits from coal plant closures
Singapore showcases solutions and innovations to advance global climate action
我国将推50亿美元混合融资倡议 助亚企朝绿色转型
支持减少依赖煤炭 我国愿购买淘汰煤电厂所产生碳信用
新加坡与卢旺达签署备忘录 促进碳信用合作
Temasek's GenZero, an investor in South Pole, launches whitepaper addressing 'misconceptions' around carbon markets
Young Singaporeans take their climate solutions to COP28 summit in Dubai
NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health announces programme to further research into climate, environment and health
NUS research centre to lead South-east Asia’s efforts in heat health and productivity
COP28: Singapura mampu main peranan utama jana pembiayaan US$3 trilion capai pelepasan sifar bersih Asia Pasifik 2050
国大新研究项目 探究气候变化对公共卫生影响
Singapore’s collective climate action through its second pavilion at COP28
" 多名环保方面杰出表现青年 代表出席联合国气候变化大会"
COP28: Singapura mampu main peranan utama jana pembiayaan AS$3 trilion capai pelepasan sifar bersih Asia Pasifik 2050
‘Mitigation atlas’ launched at COP28 to help countries collaborate on decarbonisation
Temasek portfolio companies may divest its ‘dirty’ assets to provide clarity on net-zero plans
Singapore hosting Climate Leaders Assembly on sidelines of COP28
LeapFrog, Temasek and EIB put US$500 million into tackling climate change in Africa, emerging Asia
NUS launches scenario-modelling facility to accelerate regional cooperation on nature-based carbon projects at COP28
At COP28, NUS launches $1 mil scenario-modelling facility for nature-based carbon projects
"Singapore - Catalysing Climate Solutions" - Speech By Mr Ravi Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority Of Singapore, At The Launch Of COP28 Singapore Pavilion On 30 November 2023
New facility launched at COP28 to enhance regional cooperation on nature-based carbon initiatives
NUS Unveils Facility for Boosting Nature-Based Carbon Projects
COP28 gets under way to face mammoth climate challenge
LeapFrog携手淡马锡和欧洲投资银行 投资5亿美元应对气候变化
孟文能: 我国有能力为全球促进脱碳融资和气候韧性
New facility launched at COP28 to improve regional cooperation on nature-based carbon projects
Singapore firms eye market exposure, new partnerships at COP28
数据分析并以图表呈现 国大“决策剧场”模拟不同去碳方案后果
Singapore reaffirms its commitment to collective climate action at COP28
Singapura ingin lebih banyak negara di COP28 percepat pengurangan pelepasan gas
Singapore Reaffirms its Commitment To Collective Climate Action Through Singapore Pavilion At COP28
傅海燕: COP28新加坡馆代表我国应对气候变化承诺
MAS's Ravi Menon launches Singapore Pavilion at COP28 in Dubai
New facility launched at COP28 to improve regional cooperation on nature-based carbon credits
Who are the young Singaporeans heading to COP28 and what are the key things to watch?
Southeast Asia’s Voices of COP28
28 Nov 2023
Sustainability advocate on a mission to tell simple, engaging stories of complex climate issues
27 Nov 2023
Science teacher-turned-content creator Biogirl MJ to raise eco-awareness of climate change
17 Nov 2023
NTU researcher hopes to help poorer countries have a sustainable water supply
12 Nov 2023
气候变化“觉醒时刻” 我国20青年参加COP28观摩取经
20 youth heading to COP28 climate talks under S’pore govt initiative to groom sustainability leaders
21 Oct 2023
Singapore’s Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy
04 Nov 2022
Singapore’s Nationally Determined Contribution
03 Nov 2022
Singapore’s Fifth National Communication and Fifth Biennial Update Report
27 Oct 2022
Launch of Sustainability Action Package
25 Oct 2022
Singapore’s National Hydrogen Strategy
20 Oct 2022
Singapore Green Plan 2030
10 Feb 2021