Stay tuned for updates on the COP29 Singapore Pavilion in Azerbaijan, 11 - 22 November 2024.

Green Initiatives


Climate Research to Guide Adaptation Plans

Singapore recognises the need to meet the challenges of climate change with actions based on robust science.

To advance our understanding of tropical climate variability and change for Singapore and the Southeast Asia (SEA) region, the Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS) has undertaken Singapore's Third National Climate Change Study (V3).

The V3 project produced an updated set of localised projections of key climate variables (e.g. temperature, rainfall, humidity, winds, sea level) for Singapore and the SEA region up to 2100 and beyond.

The V3 is based on the latest science incorporated in advanced Global Climate Models and updated scenarios used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Sixth Assessment Report, with very high spatial (8 km over SEA and 2 km over Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra) and temporal resolutions (e.g. sub-hourly rainfall).

Findings from the V3 will be used to guide Singapore in understanding the localised impact of climate change, as well as in developing and reviewing our climate adaptation policies and plans.

Singapore will also progressively share the data through platforms such as the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment for the Southeast Asia Region and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation so that the information is accessible to countries in the wider SEA region, which can help them better understand the effects of climate change.

For enquiries, please reach out to CCRS via the following channels: