Stay tuned for updates on the COP29 Singapore Pavilion in Azerbaijan, 11 - 22 November 2024.

Green Initiatives


Feeding Our Future

Singapore's "30 by 30" Vision

Climate change means more global food disruptions. With over 90% of our food imported, Singapore is vulnerable to global food supply fluctuations. Ensuring and securing a supply of safe food is then a matter of national security.

That is why we are working towards "30 by 30" – to build up our agri-food industry's capability and capacity to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030.

It is pivotal to enhance Singapore's food security through transforming the local agri-food industry into a highly productive, climate-resilient and resource-efficient one. Increasing local production also mitigates the impact of any overseas supply disruptions on our food supply.

The Lim Chu Kang Master Plan

To strengthen our food security, we have embarked on a holistic master planning of Lim Chu Kang (LCK) into a high-tech agri-food hub that can raise food production sustainably.

By leveraging technology and smart systems, the future LCK will be equipped with "best-in-class" farming practices that will support future farming needs by:

Turning trash to treasure
  • Harnessing technology for efficient waste management
  • Closing the loop to reduce water consumption
Powering resilience with renewable energy
  • Harnessing solar photovoltaic technologies
  • Staying cool together
  • Moving towards a car-light district

Designed with the community and sustainability in mind, LCK will also balance the needs of future developments while preserving existing ecology and nature areas.